Saturday, 21 December 2013
Startup message in vb using notepad
Welcome Messenger
If you want to Create a Massage which will play when your laptop will open than for that you just need to copy and paste the given code.... in your NOTEPAD
Code is here
Dim speaks, speech
speaks="Welcome to Your Laptop Rohit"
Set speech=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
speech.Speak speaks
After pasting this code now the time for giving a name for it is very important so be careful click on Save
As button from File menu name it Welcome.vbs (VBScript Script File) and hit OK.
Now your welcome message is ready to launch. For launching it you need to right click on it and click on Run As Administrator and then a window for your permission will come up then hit OK.
After that it will speak "Welcome to your laptop rohit" you can also change the word with in " ". Put you name instead of my name and listen voice of your name.
Make this massage as your welcome massage.:-
Till now whatever we did this will not go to make this massage as your welcome massage. Means till now this is a simple .VBS file it will not speak your welcome massage when your PC will start. For giving this special feature for your welcome massage you need to pay your attention on the some few steps given below.
Windows 7 users:-
1. Copy Welcome.vbs .
2. Click on Start .
3. Click on All Programs.
4. Here You will find a folder name Startup.
5. Right click on it.
6. Click on Open. It will directly jump you to your Startup programs ( these are the program which starts when your PC will start or Restart )
7. Drop your file here.
8. Restart your PC and now you will here your name spoken by Your Pc.
Windows 8 and 8.1 :-
1. Copy Welcome.vbs file.
2. Press Winkey+D.
3. Click on This PC or My Computer.
4. GOTO your Windows Drive ( C: drive in most cases).
5. Click on Users Folder.(Please Be sure That you are able to see Hidden File otherwise you will not see what I am going to tell you the next few steps)
6.Click on User name folder(Whatever You PC name In my Case it is Rohit).
7. Now Click on AppData >> Roaming >> Microsoft >> Windows >>Start Menu >> Programs >> Startup. Your Pc will Something Look like
8. Drop your File here.
9. Restart your PC and Enjoy.
Now whenever you start you PC you PC will sound speak your name.
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Computer Booter Program
In the world of BATCH programming a new and very fantastic Stuff is now available for you created by me.
In this module I am going to tell you how to create a Computer Booter program using Notepad. This is Very simple and very Interesting trick of Notepad. You only Needs to follow me. what I did You did as It is. After that You will create a stuff which can: -
1. Restart Your System.
2. Log Off Your System.
3. Shutdown Your System.
4. You can directly open System32 Folder.
5. You can open up Control System.....any many option available.
This is our Welcome Window.
This have 5 Special use -
1. From that stuff you can use shutdown, Restart, Log off your System (PC), Laptop After an specific time as you want. for that you just need to edit that file you will save (5 to your time) and you can set you time for shutdown restart, Log off.
2. You can also Crash your and your's friend's PC, Laptop also.
3. You can open System32 Bit folder from only one click. without using Run Program.
4. You can can also open Control Panel and
5. You can directly jump from your CMD to my Blog.
STEP 1: -
Open your Notepad and Copy and Paste the given code.
Code: -
@echo off
title ComputerBooter V0.1
color A
echo 1} About This Program
echo 2} Our coding Website
echo 3} Shutdown Computer
echo 4} Restart Computer
echo 5} Logoff Computer
echo 6} Start Control Panel
echo 7} Start System32 Folder
echo 8} Crash your Computer
echo 9} Exit This Program
set /p select=
if %select% EQU 1 goto About
if %select% EQU 2 goto Webpage
if %select% EQU 3 goto Shutdown
if %select% EQU 4 goto Restart
if %select% EQU 5 goto Logoff
if %select% EQU 6 goto Control
if %select% EQU 7 goto System32
if %select% EQU 8 goto Crash
if %select% EQU 9 goto Exit
title About ComputerBooter V0.1
color E
echo All Of this program was created by Rohit Yadav
echo For more info visit
echo Or type in Start
set /p web=
if %web% EQU Start goto Webpage
goto Main
goto Exit
start C:\Windows\System32\Shutdown.exe -s -t 5 -c "ComputerBooter Will now Shutdown Your Computer"
goto Main
start C:\Windows\System32\Shutdown.exe -r -t 5 -c "ComputerBooter Will now Shutdown Your Computer"
goto Main
start C:\Windows\System32\Shutdown.exe -l -t 5 -c "ComputerBooter Will now Logoff Your Account"
goto Main
start Control Panel
goto Main
start C:\Windows\System32
goto Main
echo Currently Loading
ping localhost -n 1 >nul
echo Currently Loading.
ping localhost -n 1 >nul
echo Currently Loading..
ping localhost -n 1 >nul
echo Currently Loading...
ping localhost -n 1 >nul
echo Successfully Loaded...
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
echo Booting Up Menu...
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
goto Main
start C:\windows\system32\CMD.exe
goto Crash
STEP 2 :-
Save this file with its beautiful name Compbu.bat (Please Remember The Extension of The File. It should be .bat) on your desktop. You can save it any where except in your C:/ Drive(Windows Drive) without your administrator's permission.
STEP 3: - now just double click on Compbu.bat.
After completing 3rd Step You will get the Same Window as we Want.
we'll soon be providing the some cool stuff based on BATCH
Programming Stay tuned!
Thursday, 28 November 2013
Guys If you want to create a count down timer without using any programming language then you are in the right place because now I am going to tell you about a very cool trick of NOTEPAD which creates a count down timer. This cool stuff will show you a massage before one second from your time to up then send a massage "TIME IS UP."
For Creating that pity cool stuff you need :-
A cool software which is freely available with windows knows as NOTEPAD.
STEP 1:- Please open your notepad.
STEP 2:- Copy the code given below
@echo off
title timer
color A0
echo Type in an amount of time (Seconds)
set /p time=
color CE
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
echo remaing time is %time%
echo please be hurry... only one second is remaing
set /a time=%time%-1
echo %time%
if %time% EQU 0 goto Timesup
goto loop
title Time Is Up!
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
echo The Time is up!
echo Thank you for using this cool trick.
goto Web
goto Exit
goto Exit
STEP 3:- Save this file with ctimer.bat on your desktop (please be careful for its extension it should be .bat name can be any thing but extension must be .bat )
Now your timer is ready to launch for launch you go to the next steps
STEP 4:- Double click on ctimer file
then a window will open and that is like that :-
Now enter your's time limit in seconds like 10, 30,150,.. seconds and enjoy this cool stuff and share us with your friends and you colleagues.
Saturday, 23 November 2013
How to Boost up your typing speed-2
Bay of Shortcut
As you can say now you are in the bay of shortcut. As I have already told you that using keyboard shortcut is really very important for boosting your typing speed for this you must know the some basic keyboard shortcuts. If you don't know them, then please read my previous post. In this post I am going to teach you some very Important and more Advanced keyboard shortcut.
Winkey Shortcut : -Winkey means Windows key. This is the 2nd right key from space bar key.As in the figure:-
you can do so amazing things by using winkey. That's why I am going to tell you these shortcut.
shortcut Description
WINKEY+ D Bring desktop to the top of other windows
WINKEY+ M Minimize all windows
WINKEY+ E Open Microsoft Explorer
WINKEY+ Tab Cycle through open programs on taskbar
WINKEY+ F Display the Windows's Search/Find feature
WINKEY+ CTRL + F Display the search for computers window
WINKEY+ F1 Display the Microsoft ® Windows ® help
WINKEY+ R Open the run window
WINKE+ Break/Pause Open the system properties window
WINKEY+ U Open utility manager
WINKEY+ L Lock the computer (Windows XP ® & later)
WINKEY+ B Go to the system Tray
WINKEY+ H Go to the Share Option of window
WINKEY+ I Go to the Setting option
WINKEY+ K Go to the Devices menu
WINKEY+ P Go to the Project Menu (Option)
WINKEY+ Q,S Go to the Search option of windows
WINKEY+ T Go to the Taskbar
WINKEY+ U Open the Ease of Access Center
WINKEY+ X Open the windows Mobility center
WINKEY+ 1,2,3....9 Open the 1th, 2nd, 3rd ....9th program pinned or recently open program on the Task bar
WINKEY+ +key Magnify the window
WINKEY+ -key Di-magnify your windows
WINKEY+ Enter Open Narrator program of window
For knowing more keyboard shortcut please be updated with my blog. Please visit my next post for more key-board shortcuts.
WINKEY+ Enter Open Narrator program of window
For knowing more keyboard shortcut please be updated with my blog. Please visit my next post for more key-board shortcuts.
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
How to Boost up your typing speed
Bay of Shortcut
This is the best way to boost up your typing speed is using keyboard shortcut for saving time. You must know some shortcut keys that really boost up your typing speed for that today I am going to tell you some shortcut keys of windows operating system and some basic shortcut.
Some Basic shortcut which you must know:-
Alt Key:- this is basically used for go to in the menu bar of current program. when you press alt key from your keyboard then you can clearly see the _ in the bottom of the current program. If you are using windows 8 or 8.1 then you can see some numbers and some alphabet on then menu bar. Like that:-
and then if you press f then file menu will open like : -
Shortcut Description
Alt+F File menu in the current open program
Alt+E Edit menu in the current open program
F1 Use this key as a universal help for all program
Ctrl+A Select all the text
Ctrl+X Cut the selected Item
Shift+Del Cut the selected Item
Ctrl+C Copy the selected Item
Ctrl+Insert Copy the selected Item
Ctrl+V Paste the copied Item
Shift+Insert Paste the copied Item
Home Go to the begging of the current line
Ctrl+Home Go to the begging of the document
End Go to the end of the current line
Ctrl+End Go to the end of the document
Shift+Home Select the text from current position to the begging of the line.
Shift+End Select the text from current position to the end of the line.
Alt + Tab Switch between open applicationsAlt +Shift + Tab Switch backwards between open
Alt + Print Screen Create screen shot for current program
Ctrl + Alt + Del Reboot/Windows task manager
Ctrl + Esc Bring up start menu
Alt + Esc Switch between applications on taskbar
F2 Rename selected icon
F3 Start find from desktop
F4 Open the drive selection when browsing
F5 Refresh contents
Alt + F4 Close current open program
Ctrl + F4 Close window in program
Ctrl + Plus Key Automatically adjust widths of all columns
in Windows Explorer
Alt + Enter Open properties window of selected icon
or program
Shift + F10 Simulate right-click on selected item
Shift + Del Delete programs/files permanently
Holding F8 During Bootup Boot safe mode or bypass system files
(This will work only with windows 7 and Xp)
Holding Shift During Bootup When putting in an audio CD, will prevent
CD Player from playing.
For knowing more keyboard shortcut please be updated with my blog. Please visit my next post for more key-board shortcuts.
Monday, 18 November 2013
Imaging use of ALT key
What we can by using ALT key
In this I am going to teach you how to create math and some useful symbol which are generally not given to you by using ALT key. Like ☺, ©, ®, ☻,ß,µ. You can not find these symbol easily. For solving this problem I am going to tell you how could you make them easily.
Whatever we type on monitor using keyboard it is based on ASCII code. It is totally independent from your platform like Windows, Linux, Mac.On the same concept this tricks also platform independent.
Due to this it always working.
For creating them please you must memorize them but it is not possible for everybody so please copy, paste and save what ever I write from here : -
symbol code
¡ alt+0161
☺ alt+1
☻ alt+2
♥ alt+3
♦ alt+4
♣ alt+5
♠ alt+6
• alt+7
◘ alt+8
○ alt+9
◙ alt+10
♂ alt+11
♀ alt+12
♪ alt+13
♫ alt+14
☼ alt+15
► alt+16
◄ alt+17
↕ alt+18
‼ alt+19
¶ alt+20
§ alt+21
▬ alt+22
↑ alt+24
↓ alt+25
→ alt+26
← alt+27
∟ alt+28
↔ alt+29
▲ alt+30
▼ alt+31
after alt+31 all the symbol are given in your keyboard I think you already know then due to this I skip then and alt+4 can not listed here because alt+4 is used as shortcut in windows platform for exiting from any page and also from any window.
counting using alt key : -
1 alt+49
2 alt+50
3 alt+51
English alphabet using alt key : -
A alt+65
B alt+66
C alt+67
D alt+68
E alt+69
F alt+70
G alt+71
H alt+72
I alt+73
J alt+74
K alt+75
L alt+76
M alt+77
N alt+78
O alt+79
P alt+80
Q alt+81
R alt+82
S alt+83
T alt+84
U alt+85
V alt+86
W alt+87
X alt+88
Y alt+89
Z alt+90
Saturday, 16 November 2013
make a shutdown clock using notepad
In this post I will teach you how to make a simple shudown clock that will shutdown your laptop when you want.Like if you estimated that your work will finish with in 3 hours. Now it is 1:00 am and you want to sleep but laptop you have to shutdown your laptop after 3 hour and for that you will interrupt you dreams of mind but now there is no need to interrupt your dreams. just follow some steps which I am going to tell you after that this will take care of your laptop and it will automatically shutdown your laptop just after 3:00:00.
so Lets start making this awesome clock.
steps to follow:-
1. Please Open your Notepad/Notepad++(awesome text editor).
2. Copy Paste this short code in your Notepad/Notepad++ window.
3. Line of Code:-
@echo off
shutdown -s -t 10800 -c "Your working Time is complete. Now I am going to shutdown."
4. Save this code in your desktop with name shutdown clock.bat. Remember the extension of the file. It must be .bat .
Now you shut down clock is ready to launch run this file whenever you want. this will shutdown your laptop after 3 hours and Your working time is Complete. now I am going to shutdown message will popup on your screen.
you can also customize your time :- just type your time instead of 10800. this time is in seconds.
If you want to stop this clock then you have an option to stop this this is abort this by using this simple code
1. Please open your Notepad/Notepad++.
2. Copy & Paste This code :-
@echo off
shutdown -a
3. Now save this file on desktop with name stop shutdown.bat.
Now you have your clock and its creak also.
When you run this shutdown.bat file then a message is pop up e.i. "Your scheduled shutdown
is cancelled".
Now just plan your work and use this cool stuff with your and your friends Laptop.
so Lets start making this awesome clock.
...................................................................................................................................................................steps to follow:-
1. Please Open your Notepad/Notepad++(awesome text editor).
2. Copy Paste this short code in your Notepad/Notepad++ window.
3. Line of Code:-
@echo off
shutdown -s -t 10800 -c "Your working Time is complete. Now I am going to shutdown."
4. Save this code in your desktop with name shutdown clock.bat. Remember the extension of the file. It must be .bat .
Now you shut down clock is ready to launch run this file whenever you want. this will shutdown your laptop after 3 hours and Your working time is Complete. now I am going to shutdown message will popup on your screen.
you can also customize your time :- just type your time instead of 10800. this time is in seconds.
How to stop shutdown clock ?
...................................................................................................................................................................If you want to stop this clock then you have an option to stop this this is abort this by using this simple code
1. Please open your Notepad/Notepad++.
2. Copy & Paste This code :-
@echo off
shutdown -a
3. Now save this file on desktop with name stop shutdown.bat.
Now you have your clock and its creak also.
When you run this shutdown.bat file then a message is pop up e.i. "Your scheduled shutdown
is cancelled".
Now just plan your work and use this cool stuff with your and your friends Laptop.
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