Saturday, 21 December 2013
Startup message in vb using notepad
Welcome Messenger
If you want to Create a Massage which will play when your laptop will open than for that you just need to copy and paste the given code.... in your NOTEPAD
Code is here
Dim speaks, speech
speaks="Welcome to Your Laptop Rohit"
Set speech=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
speech.Speak speaks
After pasting this code now the time for giving a name for it is very important so be careful click on Save
As button from File menu name it Welcome.vbs (VBScript Script File) and hit OK.
Now your welcome message is ready to launch. For launching it you need to right click on it and click on Run As Administrator and then a window for your permission will come up then hit OK.
After that it will speak "Welcome to your laptop rohit" you can also change the word with in " ". Put you name instead of my name and listen voice of your name.
Make this massage as your welcome massage.:-
Till now whatever we did this will not go to make this massage as your welcome massage. Means till now this is a simple .VBS file it will not speak your welcome massage when your PC will start. For giving this special feature for your welcome massage you need to pay your attention on the some few steps given below.
Windows 7 users:-
1. Copy Welcome.vbs .
2. Click on Start .
3. Click on All Programs.
4. Here You will find a folder name Startup.
5. Right click on it.
6. Click on Open. It will directly jump you to your Startup programs ( these are the program which starts when your PC will start or Restart )
7. Drop your file here.
8. Restart your PC and now you will here your name spoken by Your Pc.
Windows 8 and 8.1 :-
1. Copy Welcome.vbs file.
2. Press Winkey+D.
3. Click on This PC or My Computer.
4. GOTO your Windows Drive ( C: drive in most cases).
5. Click on Users Folder.(Please Be sure That you are able to see Hidden File otherwise you will not see what I am going to tell you the next few steps)
6.Click on User name folder(Whatever You PC name In my Case it is Rohit).
7. Now Click on AppData >> Roaming >> Microsoft >> Windows >>Start Menu >> Programs >> Startup. Your Pc will Something Look like
8. Drop your File here.
9. Restart your PC and Enjoy.
Now whenever you start you PC you PC will sound speak your name.
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Computer Booter Program
In the world of BATCH programming a new and very fantastic Stuff is now available for you created by me.
In this module I am going to tell you how to create a Computer Booter program using Notepad. This is Very simple and very Interesting trick of Notepad. You only Needs to follow me. what I did You did as It is. After that You will create a stuff which can: -
1. Restart Your System.
2. Log Off Your System.
3. Shutdown Your System.
4. You can directly open System32 Folder.
5. You can open up Control System.....any many option available.
This is our Welcome Window.
This have 5 Special use -
1. From that stuff you can use shutdown, Restart, Log off your System (PC), Laptop After an specific time as you want. for that you just need to edit that file you will save (5 to your time) and you can set you time for shutdown restart, Log off.
2. You can also Crash your and your's friend's PC, Laptop also.
3. You can open System32 Bit folder from only one click. without using Run Program.
4. You can can also open Control Panel and
5. You can directly jump from your CMD to my Blog.
STEP 1: -
Open your Notepad and Copy and Paste the given code.
Code: -
@echo off
title ComputerBooter V0.1
color A
echo 1} About This Program
echo 2} Our coding Website
echo 3} Shutdown Computer
echo 4} Restart Computer
echo 5} Logoff Computer
echo 6} Start Control Panel
echo 7} Start System32 Folder
echo 8} Crash your Computer
echo 9} Exit This Program
set /p select=
if %select% EQU 1 goto About
if %select% EQU 2 goto Webpage
if %select% EQU 3 goto Shutdown
if %select% EQU 4 goto Restart
if %select% EQU 5 goto Logoff
if %select% EQU 6 goto Control
if %select% EQU 7 goto System32
if %select% EQU 8 goto Crash
if %select% EQU 9 goto Exit
title About ComputerBooter V0.1
color E
echo All Of this program was created by Rohit Yadav
echo For more info visit
echo Or type in Start
set /p web=
if %web% EQU Start goto Webpage
goto Main
goto Exit
start C:\Windows\System32\Shutdown.exe -s -t 5 -c "ComputerBooter Will now Shutdown Your Computer"
goto Main
start C:\Windows\System32\Shutdown.exe -r -t 5 -c "ComputerBooter Will now Shutdown Your Computer"
goto Main
start C:\Windows\System32\Shutdown.exe -l -t 5 -c "ComputerBooter Will now Logoff Your Account"
goto Main
start Control Panel
goto Main
start C:\Windows\System32
goto Main
echo Currently Loading
ping localhost -n 1 >nul
echo Currently Loading.
ping localhost -n 1 >nul
echo Currently Loading..
ping localhost -n 1 >nul
echo Currently Loading...
ping localhost -n 1 >nul
echo Successfully Loaded...
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
echo Booting Up Menu...
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
goto Main
start C:\windows\system32\CMD.exe
goto Crash
STEP 2 :-
Save this file with its beautiful name Compbu.bat (Please Remember The Extension of The File. It should be .bat) on your desktop. You can save it any where except in your C:/ Drive(Windows Drive) without your administrator's permission.
STEP 3: - now just double click on Compbu.bat.
After completing 3rd Step You will get the Same Window as we Want.
we'll soon be providing the some cool stuff based on BATCH
Programming Stay tuned!
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